A new bicoastal collaboration that is redefining how marketers’ produce strategic and agile video content
PHILADELPHIA, PA, March 1, 2021 – Today, local film production company, Maestro Filmworks, announced a partnership with Bay Area brand strategy firm, BRANDKIND Marketing, to answer one of marketers’ biggest challenges – how to build an ecosystem of video story content that sells now while building a brand over time.
“We have redesigned the project-by-project way our industry produces branded content. This old model is rooted in a history of making TV advertising spots and is no longer relevant in today’s fast-paced, street-level co-creating world,” explains Maestro’s Founder & Executive Producer, Kris Mendoza.
Marketers often get their budgets gobbled up on a single brand anthem video or in producing multiple rushed, short-lived product sales videos. BRANDKIND Maestro’s Branded Video Ecosystem anchors to a single narrative and a single production plan to create a modular system of video and animated infographic content.
“Think of our Branded Video Ecosystem as year’s library of diverse, rich multimedia content. We’re excited to offer clients an affordable way to get the benefits of an in-house production facility enjoyed by larger brands,” said BRANDKIND’s Managing Partner, Shantini Munthree, “The lock-down has also made brands more nimble and more open to the cultural nuances that smaller BIPOC owned agencies bring to their brands.”
The BRANDKIND-Maestro collaboration focuses their launch on food and beverages and financial services; industries where both companies share deep experience. The team will roll-out the Ecosystem to retail, consumer products, health services and nonprofits later this year.
Interested companies may view video samples and leave contact details at: http://brandkind.maestrofilmworks.com/branded-video-ecosystem
About Maestro Filmworks: Maestro Filmworks is an award-winning video production company and creative agency specializing in commercial, corporate and broadcast television production. Since 2005, Maestro’s mission has been to produce engaging and imaginative films that inform, entertain and inspire. The Maestro Filmworks team are visual storytellers who bring a fresh perspective to each of our productions. www.maestrofilmworks.com
About BRANDKIND: BRANDKIND is a strategic marketing consultancy that builds brands to love and last. BRANDKIND advises enterprises, growth businesses and late stage start-ups on brand re-stages, strategy changes, M&A marketing, and new launches. BRANDKIND is a proudly woman-owned, BIPOC business based in Oakland, CA. www.brandkind.marketing
